There are so many ways that you can get involved with the Minyan! Because we are peer led, our members and friends do everything that needs doing to keep the Minyan running well. You can enhance our Minyan community whether you are a complete newcomer to Judaism or you’ve been Jewish observant all your life.
Help run a program. Or the Minyan
We always have a bunch of things going on, both related to prayer and unrelated, that you can help with. Our calendar lists our upcoming programs and services, and our regular News email gives details about upcoming events. If there is something you’d like to see happen at the Minyan, we are happy to receive suggestions and have volunteers to make them so.
Leyn (chant Torah) or read haftara
Torah and/or haftara readings at all of our services are done by Minyan members and friends. This is a gift to our community, and we appreciate every person who takes time to learn and perform these functions. If you are able to chant Torah and/or haftara or just parts of Torah or haftara readings, please sign up through the link in our regular News email.
Please sign up well in advance to help our planning as well as your own preparation. We follow the triennial reading cycle so most aliyot are not very long, but you can sign up to read less that one full aliya if you prefer. Simply enter the numbers of the p’sukim you want to read in the sign-up column after your name.
If you would like to learn how to chant Torah or read haftara, please contact our leyning coordinator through the link in our News email.
Give a d’var Torah
We do not give sermons from the bima after Torah reading. We don’t even have a bima. We do present short teachings given by our members or friends after Torah reading, and we expect that each short teaching leads to engaging discussion during services. Sometimes these discussions carry over into our communal potluck lunch, which we are happy to have. If you are interested in leading a Torah discussion during one of our services, please contact our d’var coordinator through the link in our News email. Our coordinator will work with you on what is expected as well as help schedule a date for your d’var.
Lead a service
All our services are led by us, and several people share every service so that no one person has the entire responsibility. If you would like to lead part of a service, please contact us.
Please let us know well in advance of the service you’d like to lead so both you and we can prepare.
If you would like to learn how to lead a service, please contact us and we will direct you to the learning you need.
Upcoming Events
January 26, 2025
Ballroom dancing ● 4:00 5:30pm
February 1, 2025Shabbat morning services & bring-in lunch ● 10:00am ~ 2:00pm
February 9, 2025Annual general meeting ● 1:30 – 3:30pm
February 15, 2025Shabbat morning services & potluck lunch ● 10:00am ~ 2:00pm
March 1, 2025Shabbat morning services & bring-in lunch ● 10:00am ~ 2:00pm
March 15, 2025Shabbat morning services & potluck lunch ● 10:00am ~ 2:00pm